Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is there Anybody OUT there?

It's been a long long time since I have kept up a blog. I miss it. The years I was actively writing about meaningless shit, so were my friends, and we had a cool little web ring going. Facebook stole all the glamour from blogs, dumbing it down to just a line or two about your insignificant activities instead of whole paragraphs. I talk too much, I know it, you all probably know it too. I have ADHD, so my head is constantly filled with random thoughts that I sometimes feel the need to share...with anyone, anyone who will listen ;)

The old phrase of "Familiarity breeds contempt" is so true for Facebook. I have had more cyber fights and spats over the lamest things ever, then in RL. I refuse to stop being me for the sake of someone tired of hearing about the race meets, or some sick ass picture I find amusing. I am tired of being depressed, and while I know it's a disease I will fight the rest of my life, if I can be up, then fuck it, I will be up!! :)

We'll see how it really helps to write stuff down, even if your only audience is you.


  1. I sure as hell am out there.
    So you chatted with folk via blogs? Interesting. I'd have to create a second blog for that, but I think I'm in for it. Facebook is great! But there needs to be a decent alternative.

  2. Wow, I guess it has been a long time for me...sort of like going from the BBS to Yahoo Messenger:) In the old days, yeah, we'd post something, usually a rant, or something goofy and people would remark on it, and often it led to them posting something similar on their blog. I think you can go deeper here, and people who aren't interested in reading more than a line or two about you brushing your teeth, don't have to read ;)

  3. Hmmm...I meant to try and follow you and Shawny, but ended up following myself....Ok...
