Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Misery loves company

If you're here looking for happy things like ponies and flowers, take a hike.  I am a negative, miserable sociopath who is on the rampage right now after having taken way too much shit for too long.  First off, a big "Fuck you" to fucking Facebook, or as we call it FAGbook.  So fucking what if we have some pages of politicians, or musicians that make funny remarks on the news pages, it's a fucking GAME, and there are many who play. However, this week, the smack has come down on me and another friend, and at the same time.  Hmmmm...makes ya wonder just who the fuck has the extra time to sit there and report everything we say.   Also, FAGbook is so obviously Pro-Obama, and that I doubt we will ever be unlocked. 

I have had this blog for a few years, maybe more.  I didn't ever have much to say because I really don't do much that others would find interesting.  I am a loner, I am anti-social, and I really don't like people.  I am exhausted at the end of the, because trying to put on the appearance of being a "normal" person is like running a marathon every day.  I don't know how much longer I can do it.

I have very few people I can even call friends.  A few of them have stuck around for 15+ years, and I applaud them, because if I was them trying to hang around me, I couldn't do it.   Some other friends are ones that of course, only use FAGbook, not even an Email for them, so when I deactivate my FAGbook account, the only way they'd find out if I was rotting in my apartment would be when the it hit the news. 

Sometimes I can be funny, crude and absolutely ridiculous.  I like it when I feel that way, but it might be awhile.  The perfect storm, so to speak has been gathering clouds around my head for the last 6 months, and it's going to storm, something has to give.  Maybe then I will say something different....and if you have read this far, check back later.  Along with being a psycho, I am bi-polar so my moods can swing at the drop of a hat.

That's it for now. 

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