Thursday, September 8, 2011

No really....I AM still trying!

Summer has zipped by, it's already getting cold out, the dog's busy fall coursing season is about to begin. I am still employed (knock on wood), will be looking for a place to move this spring, preferably over in the St. Paul 'burbs, and yeah...that's it in a nutshell!

Been doing a lot of research on 911 truth, and will be attending a function with friends this Sunday on the 10 year anniversary of when our own country killed thousands of it's own people in the name of war, money and oil.

I honestly need to post more here. I have gotten into too much trouble on Facebook because I guess the unwritten rule there is don't say anything someone might not agree with. Who needs that crap? Though I am "friends" with some people who I really don't want to see the latest animal humping picture someone sent me, so maybe this is for the best!