Monday, April 7, 2014

Aye! All you Stalkers out there, I see you!!!

The Internets is a perverse pleasure.  It's a land of unbridled voyeurism, no shame, and a place to spill every dirty little detail of your life, if you should choose to do so. I'm not so sure I need "Fred" and his second cousin George knowing what I had for breakfast today.  I asked a few of these free sharers about why they do it, and overwhelmingly the response was "Oh, nobody looks at it anyway".  Oh yes, they do!!

It's their business, and I fully admit I find humor in some of it, and a lot of times it's "Really?  Who fucking cares!!" Attention whores? Maybe. I love my weekends when I can unplug and not think about it.  Meet people face to face, get out, do stuff!!  Life is too short to be acting out a drama scene for a bunch of crazed looky-loos.

I know you're thinking, wow, talk about hypocrisy!!!  I suppose one could infer that a blog isn't much different than social media, but at least here you can pick a topic and possibly crank out a paragraph or two about some subject a few might find intriguing. For whatever it's worth.

Raven, signing off.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The cold continues

We're now 2 days away from March, and we have about 3 feet of snow on the ground, and today marked about the 50th day of sub zero weather.  It sucks.  There is nothing we can do about it, but complain to anyone that will listen.  I really can't say anymore, I think I stand where everyone else does, and simply want my life back and be able to go outside and do things.

It's been a quiet week.  There was an incident last weekend in which a friend of mine got mad at me and pretty much told me to go to hell.  I very pretty shocked by it, and sad.  I think there was some sort of misunderstanding, or we both saw the situation differently.  It really doesn't matter why, because I feel bad that it happened.  Time heals, so I am hoping at some point things will smooth over.  A mutual friend seems to think this, that two people saw the same thing in two different ways.

Meanwhile, so far this cold season I have binge watched Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy.  Loved both of them.  BB has to be close to an all time favorite for me, I liked it even better than a few seasons of Dexter.  I just started The Shield, and am 4 episodes into that now, and so far I am liking it.  Lots of cross characters in this one. 

The gym has also kept me busy. I am getting in 2-3 spin classes a week, and weight routine 2x.  I am happy with what I am seeing, but also am wanting more, to be in 100% top shape. My biggest fallback is food.  I don't eat junk, but I do eat processed.  That's about all there is for a single person who doesn't cook.  Ah well, it could be worse. 

Below is how much snow is off my back patio.  I think it should be labeled obscene.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Some Days Are Diamonds

It's the middle of the week and not much is going on.  I really don't have anything interesting to say today.  It's another diamond day, weather-wise....weatherbug is reporting 40.  Another long walk is on tap for today. 

I miss my audience from long ago.  Maybe you're all FB junkies now, I was for awhile but it got old. So if you're reading this, at least comment, let me know I am not talking to myself, I already do enough of that.  I even made it so you can comment anonymous and don't have to sign up. 

Meanwhile, I guess I'll just throw whatever I want out here and hope someone bites.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday

Well hello again!  I am still here, alive and mostly well.  I will start right off and say that never, in my time on this planet, have I been through a winter as miserable as this.  It started December 1st, and hasn't let up and we're damn near through February.  It's relentless, it's repulsive, it's maddening.  People are snarky, people are depressed, people are short-fused, and who can blame them? I at first thought it was just me, and was thinking that oh yeah, people up here are reveling in it, they are making snowmen and snow forts, and skiing, all that, and I find that really isn't the case. 

What do we do?  We complain about it endlessly on Facebook :) 

So what's good in the world right now?  Hmmm let's see.  I am having a really hard time getting past this winter thing, oh, and the fact this country is still on a major downward slide into total destruction, but let's look beyond that, even if only briefly.

Spring WILL get here, we WILL be able to be outside until 9:30pm on patios, talking around Citronella candles.  Crickets will chirp, we'll be able to watch for falling stars, BBQs will kick off again.  Sunroofs will be open, music cranked up, socks will be left in their drawers.  See?  I am not always thinking about doomsday. It's the simple things that get you through.  Right now it's Tuesday.  Tuesday is a blah day.  It almost sucks more than Monday, because Monday already has enough haters.  Wednesday is hump day, Thursday you're getting closer to the weekend, and then Friday, oh how I love thee!  But Tuesday just plain sucks.

Think of it this way: You've already gotten up and are probably at work, so you're one step closer to closing Tuesday out for another week.  Yep!  Sometimes it's the little things.......

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sharing TMI.......

I have been in the dog business for 20 some years, basically, almost my entire life.  It wasn't until 2003 that I had my first dog that was all mine and not a family dog.  It's now 10 years later and I have 3 of them.  Despite my prior posts about the menacing dog club, I still love my guys.

In 2009, Guido became a father.  His wife was "June" who would be Al's granddaughter.  Guido and June had 7 beautiful pups born April 25, 2009.  All proven athletes, two were top 10 runners, very proud :)

It is now time for Guido to be a father again.  I guess I didn't know how easy and cheap we had it with June....we met in Iowa, she wasn't ready, so I took her home with me for a week, where we got 3 natural planned breedings, and a 4th because he just couldn't leave her alone. 

This time, his new wife, "Angie" lives in Connecticut.  There is the option of having her shipped to us, but with all the deaths of dogs on airplanes, and it getting to be so cold, we opted to do it artificially. This is where I got a little weirded  out.   I am not one who is bothered by many things, other than the thought of drinking milk, feet, and a few other things that need not be mentioned.

The process of doing this, is "collecting" Guido and shipping the result overnight, where on the receiving end, Angie is inseminated.  What does this mean?  I am sure you are getting the idea here...yes,  I have taken my dog 2x now to be jacked off.  We go to the clinic and go downstairs, and the tech sits on the floor and just starts pulling.  I was so red that Saturday when we went in for a vitality test, I was thinking OMG, I hope they pay these people well!!!  I just stood there with the leash and looked the other way.   Guido didn't seem to mind it.

We go one more time tomorrow, he will have 2 collections sent off to CT.  In about 2-3 weeks we will know if this was successful or not....fingers and paws crossed!! The hardest part was trying to explain to my boss why I needed to leave early, and why it would be a last minute thing, depending on what Angie's progesterone tests were.

Some of you who read this will be like, no big.....been there, done that, it's expensive.  Some of you will be thinking "wow, that is kind of nasty"....either way, getting the correct dogs for the events you want them for, takes work, planning and good timing! :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Misery loves company

If you're here looking for happy things like ponies and flowers, take a hike.  I am a negative, miserable sociopath who is on the rampage right now after having taken way too much shit for too long.  First off, a big "Fuck you" to fucking Facebook, or as we call it FAGbook.  So fucking what if we have some pages of politicians, or musicians that make funny remarks on the news pages, it's a fucking GAME, and there are many who play. However, this week, the smack has come down on me and another friend, and at the same time.  Hmmmm...makes ya wonder just who the fuck has the extra time to sit there and report everything we say.   Also, FAGbook is so obviously Pro-Obama, and that I doubt we will ever be unlocked. 

I have had this blog for a few years, maybe more.  I didn't ever have much to say because I really don't do much that others would find interesting.  I am a loner, I am anti-social, and I really don't like people.  I am exhausted at the end of the, because trying to put on the appearance of being a "normal" person is like running a marathon every day.  I don't know how much longer I can do it.

I have very few people I can even call friends.  A few of them have stuck around for 15+ years, and I applaud them, because if I was them trying to hang around me, I couldn't do it.   Some other friends are ones that of course, only use FAGbook, not even an Email for them, so when I deactivate my FAGbook account, the only way they'd find out if I was rotting in my apartment would be when the it hit the news. 

Sometimes I can be funny, crude and absolutely ridiculous.  I like it when I feel that way, but it might be awhile.  The perfect storm, so to speak has been gathering clouds around my head for the last 6 months, and it's going to storm, something has to give.  Maybe then I will say something different....and if you have read this far, check back later.  Along with being a psycho, I am bi-polar so my moods can swing at the drop of a hat.

That's it for now. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thinking back and wondering about choices.

 Part 1

 It's September, 2012.  My house is now gone, the foreclosure process completed on the 10th.  I feel empty and lost.  While many things were wrong with the house, it was home for almost 7 years.  We did not plan for things to go the way they did.  Upon purchasing in January, 2006, the plan had been live there for 5 years, flip it, take the equity and each buy our own place.  Little did we know a failing American economy and a unethical housing market was about to crash down in 2008.

Flash back 2008 - 2010:

We tried to work with the bank, the mortgage was so upside down, that had something gone wrong with the house, we wouldn't be able to afford to fix it.  This spanned from boilers, to electrical wiring, to the roof and all the windows.  The bank refused to offer any of the numerous assistance plans they had quickly come up with when this crisis started.  We made too much money, even me on unemployment for 6 months.  We were too rich to get help, and too poor to help ourselves, so we made the hard decision to walk away.

This year I had to deal with the 2nd mortgage, which unbeknownst to us, can turn to unsecured debt on a foreclosure.  With the threat of wage garnishment on my doorstep, I opted to scrape up enough, and pray they would work with me.  They did, they took a cash settlement from me for a little less than 1/2 the balance. This was after close to 6 months of negotiation letters that were getting nowhere.  Wells Fargo doesn't back down.  This prevented me from having to file for Bankruptcy, which although being without my cushion of savings, was the better choice for the long run.  This whole process was a constant "kick me while I'm down" scenario, and it really worse me down. 

There is a lot more that happened between then and now, which I will get to later. Right now I am trying to find myself again.  I am lost at sea, home gone, pride swallowed, having to start over with nothing.  I don't know what I want to do, what does one do when they "start over"? My dreams?  Long ago forgotten.  The nights are long, days longer, routines and things I am familiar with, no longer in existence.