Thursday, February 27, 2014

The cold continues

We're now 2 days away from March, and we have about 3 feet of snow on the ground, and today marked about the 50th day of sub zero weather.  It sucks.  There is nothing we can do about it, but complain to anyone that will listen.  I really can't say anymore, I think I stand where everyone else does, and simply want my life back and be able to go outside and do things.

It's been a quiet week.  There was an incident last weekend in which a friend of mine got mad at me and pretty much told me to go to hell.  I very pretty shocked by it, and sad.  I think there was some sort of misunderstanding, or we both saw the situation differently.  It really doesn't matter why, because I feel bad that it happened.  Time heals, so I am hoping at some point things will smooth over.  A mutual friend seems to think this, that two people saw the same thing in two different ways.

Meanwhile, so far this cold season I have binge watched Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy.  Loved both of them.  BB has to be close to an all time favorite for me, I liked it even better than a few seasons of Dexter.  I just started The Shield, and am 4 episodes into that now, and so far I am liking it.  Lots of cross characters in this one. 

The gym has also kept me busy. I am getting in 2-3 spin classes a week, and weight routine 2x.  I am happy with what I am seeing, but also am wanting more, to be in 100% top shape. My biggest fallback is food.  I don't eat junk, but I do eat processed.  That's about all there is for a single person who doesn't cook.  Ah well, it could be worse. 

Below is how much snow is off my back patio.  I think it should be labeled obscene.

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